

Kategori: Love Life

In one way it's sad to say "I couldn't be happier" since it means it can only get worse. But at this very moment I just can't be more happy! I had a great weekend with my sisters and my mom in Halmstad and everything just went my way. In less than a month I'll study in a very pretty city and I'll live in a small, adorable apartment, on the top floor.

One year ago

Kategori: Love Life



Kategori: Love Life

You have a goal, you reach it, then you wonder what's next? Did I think about what would happen if everything went my way? What I'm trying to say is that I got in to the school I applied for and I'm thrilled. But it means that I'm moving again, in a little more that one month, and the more I realize how soon that is the more stressed out I become. It feels like I just got back here. I haven't seen all the people I want to see yet and I haven't spent that much time with my family since I'm working as often as I can. I will for sure need the money if I'm going to start a new life in another part of Sweden. Did I forget to say that I'm super excited? Cause I am!!

Our world can be rough, still beautiful

Kategori: Pictures


Walk'n Talk

Kategori: Love Life

Rebecca and I went for a walk and realized how wonderful our lives are and how many exciting things we have ahead of us. I did for sure have a "high-on-life-moment".

Not a surprise...

Kategori: Love Life

Sometimes I wonder how I survived in the states and didn't get lost. Ok sure, I got lost more than once (to put it in a nice way) but I always found my way home sooner or later. Yesterday on my walk I did it again, this time I found myself wandering on a big field...

Life is more fun when it's busy

Kategori: Love Life

The secret to love life even tough you're working 7 days in a row is to do something fun during your free hours. Like hanging out with a bunch of girls, drink wine and listen to loud music.


Kategori: Love Life

Some people are enjoying their Saturday off, I'm enjoying earning money. So long!

This is Summer

Kategori: Pictures

While I had two days off from work I decided to make a quick visit to our summer cottage where my parents and sisters already were. Sometimes it just hit me how much I love them, and this place. 

Music Makes Life Easy

Kategori: Love Life

Three days filled with live music, beer and fun people sounds amazing, and it is. You kind of forget about the reality when you're in the middle of everything and you don't even care about how you look or what you smell like. Yeap, it's disgusting but no one could care less. Despite that it felt really nice to sleep in my own bed tonight. Now my week off is over and it's time for work. Back to the reality.