
My Dear Friend

Kategori: Moments Like This

Sometimes in life you reach a point when something big changes, by choice or not. It might feel hard for the moment but then you have to look forward, see new opportunities and try your wings. I know you don't want to leave your life here Jenny, but San Francisco will still be where you left it and so will I. See you in March :)

Pick your fight

Kategori: Moments Like This

I do not have as much energy now as I had when the picture below was taken. I decided to go to a spin class today which I haven't done for a long time. I thought I would puke, just like Joie did in the car this morning. He doesn't understand that you shouldn't eat the eyes from stuffed animals, and did the same last week too.. (hope you remember that Joie is the dog btw)
Now I have to countinue my fight so I won't have to pay for my broken camera. I have a feeling I will lose. 

Monday morning

Kategori: Moments Like This

There are different kind of weekends. The fun, crazy and exhausting ones like the last two weekends, and the calm, relaxing and wonderful ones like this weekend. Lunch with friends, sunshine, ice cream, movie at the theater and shopping.
Todays schedule shows grocery shopping, yoga, calling and complain about bad service to Nikon and practice for tomorrows lesson. Hope you all are having a nice Monday!

Birds are flying free

Kategori: Moments Like This

Filled with laughter

Kategori: Moments Like This

This weekend has been totally awesome. Just like a weekend should be I guess. Friday night I went to a comedy show for the first time in my life and I have to say that it's just like in the movies. The room was dark with round tables everywhere and a small stage in the front of the room with spotlights pointing down at the comedian. It was hilarious and I had great company,
Yesterday, after 4 hours of sleep, Clara and I went to an au pair event by the beach where we cleaned up trash in the area. Totally that day we walked over 20 km and in the late evening we met up the other girls to go out dancing all night long. Today I slept in.

Home at Rose Cottage


I like the new afternoon schedule the kids have gotten. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday they have activities and Thursday and Friday will be relaxed days at home. I wonder if the time flies by because I'm so busy all the time or because I actually like my job. People with a boring job must have a loooong life. Don't know what I wanted to say with that...
Now I'm gonna continue read a book one of the former au pairs left.

never alone

Kategori: Moments Like This

Started out this morning with a walk together with Josefin, a new Swedish au pair. The weather is awesome today so I'm going to grab my book and kill my last free hours by reading it outside before it's time to drive the kids to their afternoon activities. I will pretty much drive all over town today, but luckily I have my faithful friend with me. (the picture is old, if you wonder why it's rain on the window when I said it is awesome weather)

San Francisco in the morning light

Kategori: Moments Like This

This weekend was just sooo fun! Started out my free weekend with by going to the cinema and watching The Words, lovely movie. Saturday was a shopping day and a found a few new things before the girls and I went for a late lunch. During the evening we made drinks at home before we went to a club and danced all night. Think all five girls went to bed at 7am...

Who did she get it from?


I was looking through my pictures and noticed that what people say is true: Maria and I look pretty much alike sometimes. For better and for worse.

memorable moments

Kategori: Moments Like This