Not as wild and crazy as last year, but Midsummers Eve still delivered with good food, singalong and friends.

It's official. My family is starting to become farmers. Today my dad and I went to my aunt to bring home chickens. Only a horse is missing (my aunt has more than enough so I might take this cutie with me).

Trying to catch up with family and friends while moving in to an apartment and going back to my ild job is more than enough. But I'm having fun doing it.

I was about to say that I had the best day ever yesterday but it's hard to say when my life is as wonderful as it is haha. I love most days of my life, but lets get to the point. Yesterday, my 21st birthday, started out with a coffee and a magazine at Starbucks, followed by making decisions about my future studies, a nice workout at the gym, picking up J to go and watch AL perform at a cabaret and going home to eat chinese food. On top of that I met Lynna later that evening for some drinks in the Marina made my birthday complete with night food.
One year ago (yesterday) my family came to visit me and that was also the best day ever.
One year ago was going to meet Clara and Kate for lunch, it was on Valentine's Day and I barely knew them. I still made them Valentine's Day cards cause I had a feeling that we would get along well. And now we are friends for life. Happy Valentine's!
Gosh, it really starts to feel like my time as an au pair is coming to an end. I still have three months left but time is flying... Clara and Kate went back home this month and now I'm the only one left from the "crew" we had during 2012. I can't wait until I'll see all of them again! Johanna didn't join us to LA but she still has a special place in my heart ;)
Monday again and I've spent the whole morning at the gym. Nothing exciting about that so let me show some pics from my weekend with Josefin instead. We were craving béarnaise sauce and since none of us had been eating that during the last 6 months we literally ate from the spoon. Delicious! Except that we've been cruising around the city, been at the beach, dancing all night long, hanging out in a park where both of us fell asleep, eaten frozen yoghurt ect. Just another great weekend!
Just realized, I never sat my foot in Sweden during 2012. And now it's 2013. I had a memorable new years eve celebration with nice people and good food yesterday. At midnight we were standing on a balcony with the most amazing view over San Francisco. We could see the fireworks all the way down at Fisherman's Wharf which was really beautiful. When I woke up this morning I had a feeling that this year is going to be great!
Once again it was time to say "see you later". This time to Typhaine who was one of the first friends I made in the US. We hung out a lot in the begining and explored SF, the beach (or is it bitch Typh?), parks, downtown and frozen yoghurt. When she moved to Santa Cruz she gave me the best opportunity to enjoy everything Santa Cruz has to offer. We've had a lot of fun and I'm really gonna miss you. See you in France!
Before the weekend starts I just have to show some pictures from a different but fun dinner I went to this Monday. My friend Suna is leaving SF tomorrow to go back to Turkey, but the memories from her goodbye-dinner will stay forever!
Good food, song, dance and nice people. I was the only Swedish person there and for I while I whiched that I grew up in a country where people are more relaxed and dare to let go a little.
Typh came this Saturday to visit SF for one last time before she will return to France, so we decided to make the day memorable. We drove over Golden Gate Bridge to get to Sausalito where it's most of the time warmer than in the city. Walk along the harbour, eat lunch and enjoy the nice view made our day! In the evening we where invited to Kate where we had a movie night with lots of sushi and ice cream. Now it's Monday again and tonight there will be another goodbye-dinner.
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try
Let's make a summary of some of the highlights from my time in the States. I enjoy every day here, but the trips I've made so far have been really fun and memorable!
1. Yosamite// 2. Sonoma// 3. 4 of July// 4 & 5 Los Angeles// 6. Giants game// 7. Goodbye party// 8. Las Vegas// 9. Wyoming// 10. Santa Cruz// 11&12 San Francisco
One year and two days ago was the first time I put my feet on American ground. It's been an amazing year and the biggest reason for that is all the wonderful people I've met here. One girl that has been with me from day one is Johanna but since she didn't extend she is now on her way back home. So beautiful, funny and charming! Can't wait until I'll meet her again, but then it will be in Sweden.
Last weekend Johanna and I decided to have some quality time together since she is about to leave SF in two week, which breaks my heart... On Friday evening we met up Clara and her mom to have a dinner at an Italian restaurant before we took the bart to Oakland to spend the night at Johanna's place. Saturday morning we went to play tennis and we weren't that bad...
Sunday we met up in downtown to find Halloween costumes, do some shopping and have a nice dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We only went for the appetizers and dessert.
Wonderful weekend with a wonderful lady!
View from Cheesecake Factory// Our delicious food// Johanna in front of Union Square in the evening
Sometimes you wonder: How can something so ugly look so cute at the same time?
It's already another day in Sweden, but here it's still my mother's birthday. She is the most beautiful, warmhearted and inspiring woman I know. I love her so much I can't even explain. On her birthday last year she got a neckless from the family with the word "loved" in Swedish. Just so she won't forget how much she means to us.
Sunday was spent as a Sunday should be spent. With Johanna, long breakfast, shopping, coffee and pastries at La Boulange, and as a finish we went to the movie theater. We saw Pitch Perfect which was a pretty silly but fun movie, I laughed a lot. I also realised that music is my big passion in life.
As planned Kate, Johanna and I went to an African club yesterday which was a lot of fun! Not really the same kind of music as in other clubs and the people was a little bit different too. In the early morning we sat at a Hookah Bar with some newfound friends from New York and talked about life.
Today, after Johanna and I slept in for quite a while we wanted to make this day memorable which resulted in spontaneous actions. I've never had a boring moment with these girls! Later tonight, like 10.30 pm, we're going to the movie theater, just because it's weekend and we can.
Yey Friday, again! After a very calm week I'm ready for a night out with the girls. We've heard about an African Club that we're thinking about checking out tonight. Hopefully I've learned some moves from the Zumba class so I'm not totally lost on the dance floor...
Btw, I've finally received my camera from the repair. I got so excited that I had to take some close up pics haha