Yesterday it was Columbus Day which meant that my host kids were off from school. We went to the House of Air before AL and I met up with their mom to eat sushi while J went to a soccer practice.
For the moment I'm waiting for Clara to stop by and hopefully we'll go and grab a coffee. Love days without any plans!
In October, when I normally start to put on warmer clothes back in Sweden, the warmth is coming to SF. Starting last weekend and until today it has been around 30 celcius dergees. Me and my friends enjoyed Santa Cruz on Saturday and celebrated Typh with a house party. On Sunday we went home and spent the day in Golden Gate park since it was a consert there. A salad, Alanis Morissette live, nice weather and awesome friends, what else could I ask for?
Just finished my brunch and now it's time to head to the gym. Love life.
Sometimes in life you reach a point when something big changes, by choice or not. It might feel hard for the moment but then you have to look forward, see new opportunities and try your wings. I know you don't want to leave your life here Jenny, but San Francisco will still be where you left it and so will I. See you in March :)
I do not have as much energy now as I had when the picture below was taken. I decided to go to a spin class today which I haven't done for a long time. I thought I would puke, just like Joie did in the car this morning. He doesn't understand that you shouldn't eat the eyes from stuffed animals, and did the same last week too.. (hope you remember that Joie is the dog btw)
Now I have to countinue my fight so I won't have to pay for my broken camera. I have a feeling I will lose.
There are different kind of weekends. The fun, crazy and exhausting ones like the last two weekends, and the calm, relaxing and wonderful ones like this weekend. Lunch with friends, sunshine, ice cream, movie at the theater and shopping.
Todays schedule shows grocery shopping, yoga, calling and complain about bad service to Nikon and practice for tomorrows lesson. Hope you all are having a nice Monday!
This weekend has been totally awesome. Just like a weekend should be I guess. Friday night I went to a comedy show for the first time in my life and I have to say that it's just like in the movies. The room was dark with round tables everywhere and a small stage in the front of the room with spotlights pointing down at the comedian. It was hilarious and I had great company,
Yesterday, after 4 hours of sleep, Clara and I went to an au pair event by the beach where we cleaned up trash in the area. Totally that day we walked over 20 km and in the late evening we met up the other girls to go out dancing all night long. Today I slept in.

Started out this morning with a walk together with Josefin, a new Swedish au pair. The weather is awesome today so I'm going to grab my book and kill my last free hours by reading it outside before it's time to drive the kids to their afternoon activities. I will pretty much drive all over town today, but luckily I have my faithful friend with me. (the picture is old, if you wonder why it's rain on the window when I said it is awesome weather)
This weekend was just sooo fun! Started out my free weekend with by going to the cinema and watching The Words, lovely movie. Saturday was a shopping day and a found a few new things before the girls and I went for a late lunch. During the evening we made drinks at home before we went to a club and danced all night. Think all five girls went to bed at 7am...
Excusez-moi for my spelling in the last post.. I usually spell it "plane" and not "plain", and I don't think I've ever called the kids for kiss. Okey now I can let it go.
The last days I've been so relaxed. I've read books, working out, biking around on an old "women bike", playing with the kiss (just kidding) and the dogs, visit the town and so on. It has been great so far. My host mom just arrived so I guess we will go out on some adventures during the upcoming week. Hope you guys will have an awesome weekend wherever you are. Miss my darlings in Sweden.
Ey yo! The week in Canada was over before I knew it, we had so much fun! I will tell you what we did in about two weeks cause then I'm back in San Francisco and can show you the pictures. I was only home for one day before thekiss and I took the flight to Wyoming. Luckily I had time to see my friends on saturday evening (right after I came back to SF) to go out and dance. And most important, we celebrated our birthday girl Clara on Sunday with a dinner. Have to admit that I barley had one minute of peace and quiet before I bordered the next plain. So that's what I've done today in beautiful Wyoming with great weather!
This week has been so calm and relaxing. I've mostly been working out, catching up with friends and just enjoying another week of vacation. Tomorrow I'm taking the flight to Canada to spend a week at my host kids grand parents place. Think it is a small house, like a cottage. So excited!
Friday night I'm planing to to spend with my girls since I will be gone for three weeks in total..
First, some pics from San Diego:
San Diego, what a cozy city to spend a few days in. Clara, Claire, Johanna and I came here yesterday and so far we've been laying at the beach, eating too much food and desserts, dancing, seen nice buildings and learning different languages. We all mix Swedish, English and French to understand each other when one language gives away.
Pics will come later!
Herregud vad allt händer på en gång. Barnen är tillbaka från lägret vilket är väldigt roligt, även om jag jobbar 10 timmar om dagen hela veckan. Dock händer det mycket skoj om kvällarna.
Onsdag: Konsert med the fray och Kelly clarkson.
Torsdag: cocktail party (har aldrig sagt att jag kommer dricka)
Fredag: inga planer än men smider för fullt.
Lördag: planet till san Diego lyfter 8am! Kommer hem på måndag och har semester igen till den 5 augusti. Troligtvis bär det av till Kanada då för att hälsa på barnens farföräldrar. Stannar där en vecka och kommer hinna tillbaka till SF en dag innan vi drar vidare till wyoming. Full fart framåt!
Santa Cruz was nice as always. Hanging out at the beach all day long and watching surfers do their thing. Next time I go there I wanna try to surf!
Here are some delayed pictures from Johanna J's goodbye dinner. Sushi, dessert and nice ladies can't go wrong!
I was going to put up some pictures from my first week of vacation yesterday but got distracted by a lunch offer from Sofia. Today I'm off to Santa Cruz so there won't be any pics today either. Can tell you that I've had an awesome vacation so far.
I'm an emotional wreck right now. A lot of things are going on and important decisions have to be made. To get something else on my mind I went for a run this morning and a few hours later I fell asleep in a park when I was laying in the grass. After my power nap I met up Sofia and her host child to go and eat frozen yoghurt.
In a few minutes my host mom will be home from work and we are going to have dinner together just her and I since the kids are at camp. Salmon, bulgur and asparagus- delicious!
Days like this you just have to love life. This was before we went river rafting and it was totally awesome! (even if we were about to die once).
I hope you are having a great time in Sweden now Josefin, you will be missed!
At the same time as last weekend was one of the best ones in USA so far it was also pretty sad since three friends are about to leave San Francisco to go back home. Yesterday a bunch of au pair were invited to Birdy for a goodbye dinner. We had a lot of fun and it was hard to understand that she is about to leave. Lana, another good friend of mine is leaving tomorrow so tonight we are going to have a dinner for her too. When I think about my return to Sweden I wanna cry, so maybe I will wait a few more months to come home? To be continued.