Our fabulous weekend in Santa Cruz
Kategori: Moments Like This

On our way to an aquarium, at this point everybody was happy.

Then something happened. Can't even call it a flat tire... It was an explosion.

But I was still happy cause now we got one more experience! Yey

Tough I had to show some sympathy since it was Johannas car

When our help arrived Typhanie was fascinated by the truck

While we were waiting for the car to get fixed we went for a walk

Luckily we found a cafe where we had lunch

Finally we came to the aquarium where I found my favorite animal, the seahorse. Nice camouflage huh?

Later on Saturday we went to a basketball game. It was soooo exciting, I thought my heart would stop beating. But "our" team won so we celebrated that in a hot tub together with some of the basketball players and their friends and girlfriends.

After a few hours in the hot tub under the stars we went back to Typhanes place. SATC and cereals in the early morning<3

Sunday was spent at the beach where you could find surfers, amusement park, shops, volleyball players, restaurants and ice cream. I kind of liked it there.

Bye Typhanie and Santa Cruz, thanks for this weekend and see you soon again!