Kategori: Moments Like This

Kategori: Moments Like This
Lying in my bed and listening to the rain that is pouring down outside, it's so cozy! I'm thinking about what a great Holliday thanksgiving is (which is on Thursday) and I wish Sweden someday will take after this wonderful day. Although I guess the turkey is getting more attention than the message that you should be thankful for the great thinks/ people you have in your life... I'm thankful for all the fun and special experiences I've had so far in this country. Last Saturday I went to a birthday party on a boat where the theme was Noah's Ark. I decided to dress up as a blue bird. The party was fun and the view from the boat was amazing!
Kategori: Moments Like This
You realize that time flies when there is something that is recurrent every year. One year ago I was laying in this same bed with tears in my eyes and thought about the same person as I'm doing now. If I would ask you what you did nine years ago, would you remember?
I was 11 years old, didn't know much about life but experienced the worst day I will ever have. I can't explain how it feels to loose your big sister, and when that happened to me it felt like my family was the only one in the world that had to suffer from that kind of pain. Today I know that more people than you can ever imagine have felt the same pain as I have. People say that it will get easier with time and I can agree in one way. After a while you learn how to live without seeing that special person every day, but some days will be harder than others. What I learned from loosing my best friend, my sister Catarina, is that you only live this life once so make sure you live it right. Take care of the people in your life that mean something to you, tell them how much you love them or show them by actions.
What comforts me when I have a tough day is since I've made it this far, I know I can do anything.
Kategori: Moments Like This
Kategori: Moments Like This
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try
Kategori: Moments Like This
The beginning of this week has been amazing. Beautiful weather, long walk with Clara, lunch at a nice café, skype with my girls and singing lesson. Today the sky turned gray and cold so I decided to start out the day with yoga before I went to the store to rent Breaking Dawn part 1. Thought I had to see it before part 2 comes out. Enjoyed the movie with a fruit salad and chocolate covered nuts. Every day can be a perfect day ;)
Kategori: Moments Like This