Weekend! I've had a really relaxing morning with a skype date with my mom, a nice run and a long shower. Just finished a late brunch and remembered the delicious lunch I had together with A-L yesterday. We went to a Japanese place where sushi was placed on small boats which were floating around in circles so you just could grab the plates you wanted. Very fun and different!
Btw, Kate and I went to see Magic Mike yesterday, a movie with Channing Tatum who plays a stripper. I was surprised when I saw how many guys that were standing in line to see the movie, but then I remembered that I'm in San Francisco. One of many things I love about this city.
Där står jag och viker tvätt och längtar till morgondagen och helg Telefonen ringer och en kompis säger att han har biljetter till avicii som spelar ikväll. En svenne i san fran tänkte jag, det går ju bara inte att missa. En stund senare står jag där på dansgolvet och hoppar, både av lycka och för att inte komma i otakt med resten av folkmassan som skulle skulle kunna stampa ihjäl mig innan refrängen ens börjat.
Giving you a glance at our swedish midsummer at Johanna's place. She was so kind and organiced a dinner with typical swedish dishes, I guess most of the things are bought from our beloved IKEA.
The kids and I spent one night in a nice hotell room at the club since they also go to camp there. Totally fine according to me. After their lessons we use to hang out by the pool for a few hours before we return to San Francisco.
I thought it might be time to catch up a little bit so I'm going to hit you with some pics I haven't shown yet. This was from a night when Clara, Kate, Claire and I went out for dinner and ended up in a bar with some random guys. I guess we can call them new friends since we met them the day after in an other part if the city, in another bar.
Maybe you have noticed that , now and then, get a feeling that my live is so wonderful? When I went to sleep last night I had that feeling and I still have it. In a few minutes I'm going to wake up the kids to go to Burlingame and spend two days there by the pool while they are at camp in the same area.
Btw, I went out and ate dinner at an Italian restaurant yesterday. The food was delicious and my company was interesting and fun. I love to meet people that a different from me. There is so much to learn!
So far my day has been really good. Riding lesson for AL in the morning and then Burlingame Country Club where the kids and I ate lunch, played tennis, played in the pool and relaxed in the sun. I'm pretty exhausted but I'll ignore that cause in 30 minutes I'm going to meet up the girls for dinner and then we will see where it all ends. All weekend off!
(Couldn't take any pictures today cause no electronics were allowed by the pool. They have so many silly rules in that club and you even have to "be somebody" to be a member)
Woke up at 6am as I usually do during the weeks, and then I realized that the kids are out of school... But I decided to get up anyway and take the dogs for a walk. It's crazy how many people that are awake so early in the morning.
Today I'm taking the kids to a club where they have a pool, tennis- and golf court. It's so fancy that they have a dress code and since I don't have any shorts down to my knees I have to wear baggy shorts from my host mom.
This pic are from last weekend (I borrow it from you Clara hihi)

Sometimes I get scared when I realize how fast time passes by. Like today. My sisters graduated from 2:nd grade, my little cousin, who I thought just got born, is turning 7 years tomorrow and my angel should have turned 22 years today. If I could turn back time I would relive the summer when I was 10 and still had my sister by my side, but at the same time Linnea and Maria weren't born back then. In my dream world we would all be together as one big family.
It's crazy how much I love them.
Ah jag hinner inte meeed. Det händer så mycket roligt som jag aldrig hinner skriva om. LMFAO konserten i fredags var iallafall fet haha. Kanske ingenting för yngre barn då.
Denna vecka har jag en till lurvig vän i huset, Sadie. Hon är mysig hon.

Så här firade jag och Clara Sveriges nationaldag.

Sometimes I have so much to tell so I don't know where to start, like today. And as usual I'm one day late telling you about my day. So yesterday then.. I spent the day with the some girls at the other side of the golden gate bridge where the weather was beautiful! Soo warm and nice. Luckely we took the car instead of biking this time cause my butt is still hurting after the bike trip Clara and I made this Saturday. Yes, I really felt it today at the spin class. After a delicious lunch in the sun we drove back, picked up Kate and continued to Dolores Park where a bunch of au pairs hung out. Lovely weekend and also pretty cheap! Have to save money if I should be able to afford the trips I wanna make this summer.
Since I really have to save money for the trips I wanna do this summer Clara and I decided to take the bikes and have a picnic on the other side of Golden Gate Bridge. It's often better weather on the other side which you also can see on the picture. The fog only cover half the bridge. In the evening Birdy joined us for dinner and movie at my casa since I'm home alone. Just a notice to you if you are having a house for yourself during a weekend: Don't lock the door with the "security chain" from inside and take the garage door on the way out. I totally forgot that I'd locked the door with the chain so Clara and I had some trouble breaking us inside my own house. Just my luck...
After sending the kids to school this morning I went off to yoga, lovely start on a friday! Later I met up Clara and Ulrika for lunch in the park where we spent some hours just by talking and get sunburned.. This weekend I have the house to myself so I'm planning to sleep in tomorrow until I wake up by myself and not by footsteps from kids running around upstairs.
Btw, I can't understand that it has gone 1 year since I graduated! It went soooo fast but at the same time I've done so many things and seen so many places. I'm really happy that I decided to go here as an au pair, I love every day!
I also want to send a huge hug to my grandmother who turns 85 today! The sweetest woman in the world ♥
After sending the kids to school this morning I went off to yoga, lovely start on a friday! Later I met up Clara and Ulrika for lunch in the park where we spent some hours just by talking and get sunburned.. This weekend I have the house to myself so I'm planning to sleep in tomorrow until I wake up by myself and not by footsteps from kids running around upstairs.
Btw, I can't understand that it has gone 1 year since I graduated! It went soooo fast but at the same time I've done so many things and seen so many places. I'm really happy that I decided to go here as an au pair, I love every day!
I also want to send a huge hug to my grandmother who turns 85 today! The sweetest woman in the world ♥